Total Credits: 122-128
*Only one semester of BIO 397 is required, but it must betaken in the fifth or sixth semester.
**No more than four credits of BIO 395 or BIO 396 will count toward the major.
***Any course other than a biology course.
****Students may take CHM 235 /CHM 237 followed by CHM 365 in lieu of CHM 231 /CHM 232 /CHM 233 /CHM 234 . Students are to consult with their academic advisor regarding this alternative pathway.
In order to emphasize the broadening aspects of biological knowledge, the department has established categories of specific biological fields from which the student must achieve reasonable diversity in the selection of upper-level courses. The five categories are 1) Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2) Structural and Functional Biology, 3) Diversity and Populational Biology, 4) Plant Biology, and 5) Quantitative Biology. The B.A. major is required to take a minimum of four electives, with one upper-level course from each of any four of the five categories. The B.S. major must take a minimum of five electives, with one upper-level course from each of the five categories.