Mar 06, 2025
MTH 302 - Introduction to Higher Mathematics Credits: 3
A continuation of MTH 231 which provides foundational background for upper-level courses in pure mathematics. Topics include advanced studies of relations including a review of equivalence relations, an introduction to partial order and total order relations; properties of the integers including divisibility, the notion of congruence, the Euclidean Algorithm, and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic; properties of the real number system including axioms for the real numbers, subsets of the real number system (including the integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers), the completeness of the real number system; properties of sets and functions including cardinality, countable vs uncountable sets, the cardinal hierarchy of infinite sets and the Continuum Hypothesis.
Pre-Requisites: MTH 231 with a grade of 2.0 or higher Repeatable: May not be repeated for credit
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