Feb 16, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Wilkes University provides a rich array of programs and services designed to support students, academically and personally, throughout their time at the University. Following are brief descriptions of these services and programs. Additional information about each program or service may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs or by consulting the University Web site.

Advising Services for Special Academic and Student Development Programs

Due to the intricacies of certain programs or requirements imposed by professional and graduate schools and external accrediting agencies, the University has identified advisors in a number of areas of interest. Specially trained Pre-Medical Advisors serve all students interested in professional or graduate school opportunities in medical or health-related fields. The Pre-Law Advisors work with students from any discipline who wish to go on to law school. The International Studies Advisors counsel students in matters pertaining to Study Abroad as well as to career and professional opportunities in this field. The Center for Career Development and Internships counsels and advises students interested in a variety of internship possibilities. Information on any of these services is available in the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Student Life and Success, and the Student Development Office.


The University’s bookstore facility, named Colonel Corner, is a partnership with Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, Inc. The Colonel Corner is located just inside the South Street entrance of the Henry Student Center.

A revamped and expanded space in the hub of student activity makes it a convenient and memorable location to serve our students, faculty and staff, offering proximity to classrooms and dining options, as well as providing a place to meet. The academic superstore is designed to meet the specific needs of students at Wilkes, with comprehensive physical and virtual textbook services, spirit wear, lounge areas, and standard Barnes & Noble bookstore stock.  Beginning in Fall 2023, all Full-time undergraduate student textbooks and course materials will be paid for by the University and ready for the first day of class.  Students will receive email communication a month before the start of classes to review and confirm their materials, and may either ship to home or pick up at the Colonel Corner when returning to campus!

Counseling Center 

Counseling is an opportunity to discuss personal concerns or issues with a therapist and explore ways of working through them. Some students may choose to utilize counseling services over the course of a semester or year, while others may only need a few appointments to discuss a current situation in order to gain clarity and/or direction.  

At Wilkes University, students access support for concerns such as stress, anxiety, depression, grief, identity issues, eating issues, interpersonal conflicts with peers and family, substance issues, adjustment issues, etc. Individuals can schedule appointments Monday - Friday between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Referrals to community agencies and other professionals are made as necessary. Counseling staff welcomes the opportunity to provide education and support to the campus community. We collaborate with student groups and professional staff of the University to provide workshops or trainings on topics of special interest or concern.

Wilkes University Support Line 570-408-CHAT (2428) is available 24/7 for any student crisis. This line is staffed with Masters and Doctoral level counselors who are trained specifically in college student mental health. Support is available to students who may be experiencing any mental health issue as well as students who may be experiencing an emergency situation. Our hope is that our Support Line service will be complementary to counseling services presently available to students. We want to provide comfort and care for students by letting them know that despite their circumstances, support is always available.

Career Services

Students are encouraged to become proactive in their career development throughout their time at Wilkes by becoming engaged with the professional staff and offerings of the Center for Career Development and Internships, located at rear 236 S. River Street by the Student Center Gateway. Consultations, events, and career education programs are offered each semester to all class levels and all majors. An academic internship program is also housed there. Students can access the Center via www.wilkes.edu/career and by utilizing the Wilkes Handshake program and app at www.joinhandshake.com.

Health Services

The Office of University Health Services maintains regular hours while the University is in session for the fall and spring semesters and is staffed by a Nurse Practitioner and a Registered nurse. A physician is available at specified hours during the week. Appropriate referrals are made as necessary to community physicians and hospitals. During the summer months, students can obtain care from local emergency rooms or urgent care centers, with any questions directed to University Police Department at ext. 4377.

In these times of escalating health care costs, all students enrolled at Wilkes University are required to have health insurance coverage and to provide proof of that coverage.

Appointments should be made prior to coming to the Health and Wellness Services at 570-48-4730. If you are experiencing symptoms consistent with flu, COVID-19 or other contagious illness,  A mask must be worn during your visit to the Health Services. If you do not have one, one will be provided for you. All allergy injections, must be given during physician hours which are Tuesday between 9am and 11am and Wednesday between 10am and 12 noon.

New Student Orientation Program

The transition from the directed work of the high school environment to the independent and more intensive work of the university environment is eased by introducing new students to the University and its services before classes formally begin. Two orientation periods-one during the summer and another in the days immediately preceding the start of the academic term-are set aside to assist new students in planning their academic programs and in learning about the curriculum, available student activities, and about the campus and its many resources. Orientation sessions provide opportunities for each new student to meet with his or her academic advisor, to discuss personal and professional goals, and to begin to plan an academic course of study.

Office of Diversity Initiatives

The Office of Diversity Initiatives (ODI) supports students from underrepresented groups through advising, advocating, and programming. The office is the institutional leader in diversity and inclusion for students and faculty/staff of Wilkes University through acting as a role model for tolerance, acceptance, respect, support and resources for people of all cultures and backgrounds, while celebrating differences and commonalities in a learning and developmental environment. ODI oversees the activities of the Multicultural Student Coalition. ODI provides campus-wide programming to facilitate the development of cultural competence.

Special programming includes:

  • Annual Diversity & Inclusion Student Conference
  • Multicultural Awards
  • Metamorphosis Alumni Presentation Series
  • D.I.V.E certificate